Friday, January 16, 2015

Two minutes

Lie on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing down.

Engaging your navel point and pressing your lower spine against the floor so your movement begins with your breath, inhale and simultaneously swing both legs into Plow pose.

Use your abdominal muscles to initiate the movements.

Continue to move back and forth between the reclining position and Plow pose, for two minutes, coordinating your movement with your breath.

How you move and breathe in this pose depends on your abilities.

If you have strong abdominal muscles and good flexibility, you may be able to do the cycle in one breath, inhaling as you come up and over and exhaling as you come down.

But if you are just starting to practice, you will probably need to inhale as you raise your legs, exhale as you bring your feet to the floor behind you, inhale up again, and exhale your feet to the floor in front of you.

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