Thursday, January 15, 2015

Two and a half minutes

Sit in Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana) or Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana) as in the previous exercise.

Bring your arms out in front of you to around shoulder height, with your palms facing up and your fingers slightly cupped. 

Moving your arms together, lift them up and over your head as if you had water in your hands and were going to release it behind you.

Or imagine you’re holding a bundle with all of your troubles, worries, sorrows, and regrets, which you are going to throw away. 

Breathe through your mouth and coordinate your breath with your arm movements, inhaling as your arms move up and over and exhaling as you release your arms back down. 

Keep your inhalations and exhalations of equal length; otherwise, you may become dizzy. 

Repeat the arm movements for two and a half minutes. 

If you get light-headed or dizzy for any reason, take a breath through your nose and stop the movement. 

Breathe at a comfortable rate through your nose until you are feeling stable. 

Rest if you need to before going on to the next exercise.

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