Thursday, January 15, 2015

Three-part breathing (Dheerga Svasam)

Three minutes.

Sit on a chair in a comfortable upright position with your eyes closed.

Place your right hand on your abdomen, with your thumb resting on your navel and your fingers embracing your belly.

1. First part: When you are settled, exhale completely through your nose. At the end of the exhalation, gently pull in your abdomen. Begin the inhalation by releasing your abdomen and allowing the lower lungs to fill. Then pull in your abdomen as you exhale. Inhale, expand the abdomen. Exhale, contract the abdomen. Practice this first part of the three-part breath until you feel comfortable with it.

2. Second part: Inhale, expanding the abdomen and then fill the lower ribs. On the exhalation, reverse the order, exhaling from the lower ribs and then the abdomen. Practice the two-part breath until you feel comfortable with it.

3. Third part: After filling the abdomen and lower ribs, inhale into the upper chest, and feel your collarbones rise slightly. On the exhalation, contract the upper chest, the lower chest, and the abdomen, one section following the other. Continue breathing in this manner slowly and deeply.

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