Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Supported legs-up-the-wall pose (viparita karani)

Thirty to ninety seconds.

Set up for the pose by placing a bolster, a cushion, or a stack of two folded blankets about six inches away from a wall. 

To come into the pose, sit toward one end of the bolster with your side facing the wall, press your hands down onto the bolster to hold it in place (a folded sticky mat placed underneath the bolster will also help keep it from moving), and swing your legs up and onto the wall. 

Once you’re up, scoot your pelvis into place on the bolster so that just the bottom of your tailbone is hanging off the bolster (your pelvis will be in a slight backbend). 

Make sure that your weight is on your shoulders and your hips, and that your head and neck are soft and relaxed.

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