Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Half spinal twist (ardha matsyendrasana)

Start by sitting in a simple cross-legged posture.

Bend your right leg over the left thigh and place the right heel alongside the left hip.

Wrap your left arm around the bent knee and rest your right hand on the floor or a block behind you.

Before twisting, Rolf believes that it’s helpful to inhale and contract the pelvic floor then exhale and relax it, getting a sense that these muscles are going to be involved in the twist and helping to create stability at the base of the pelvis.

As you move into the pose, imagine that the twisting movement starts from the pelvic floor. After twisting the abdomen, rib cage, and shoulders, in that order, gently turn the neck and head. 

Hold the pose on each side for six to twelve breaths, softening your gaze and trying to relax into the pose.

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