Friday, January 16, 2015

Inner Sun Meditation

Three to fifteen minutes.

To retain the heat generated through the practice of this breath meditation, you cover your head with a scarf, cap, or hat made of natural fabric while practicing.

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position.

Bend your left arm and raise the hand to shoulder height, palm facing forward.

Place the tips of your ring finger and thumb together.

Make a fist with your right hand, extend the index finger, and use it to block your right nostril.

Begin a steady rhythmic breathing through your left nostril similar to that in exercise Ninety seconds, at what Shanti Shanti Kaur calls “a heartbeat rhythm,” approximately one breath per second.

You should feel the navel pulsing inward and slightly up with each exhalation.

To establish the proper rhythm, you can do this breath with a mantra tape such as “Sat Nam Wahe Guru” by Singh Kaur or “Angel’s Waltz” by Sada Sat Kaur, or you can do it without accompaniment.

Continue for three minutes, gradually building up to a maximum of fifteen minutes.

To end the exercise, inhale deeply. Retain your breath, being careful not to strain.

Now bring your hands together and interlace your fingers, with the right thumb on top, and place the palms in front of your upper chest, at the level of the thymus gland, between the throat and the heart center about six to eight inches from your body.

Pull the fingers apart strongly while simultaneously resisting to create tension.

After fifteen to twenty seconds, exhale, and release the tension. Repeat three more times.

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