Friday, January 16, 2015

Abdominal Breathing

Five to ten minutes.

Set up for the pose by placing a bolster and/or folded blankets on your mat to support your spine, with a folded blanket on top to support your head.

Then sit in front of the bolster (not on it) and lie back. Release your arms and legs to the sides as in Relaxation pose (Savasana).

If you are positioned properly, your pelvis will be slightly tipped downward, and the tops of your thighbones will be heavy, that is, pushing toward the floor.

Every time you inhale, let your belly relax and expand.

You don’t have to push it out, simply allow it to expand naturally, as your lungs fill with breath. You may not have much movement of your belly at first but with awareness and the regular practice of this exercise that will change.

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