Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Entry-Level Upavista Konasana

This pose is best begun in bed.
1. Sit with legs as far apart and as straight as possible. Make sure the heels and buttocks are firmly “planted” in their spots.
2. Raise the chest and neck and head so that they are as close to vertical as can be, without changing the placement of the heels and buttocks. Palms should be placed on the thighs, fingers pointing toward the feet.

3. Pushing on the thighs will straighten the spine still further.
4. Take a minute or two; calmly breathe normal-sized breaths.
5. Now reach along the underside of the thighs as far as is practicable without bending the knees any further, pressing the palms against e.g., the backs of the knees, or closer in toward the hips. Bend as symmetrically as possible.

6. Holding the backs of the legs this way, bend the elbows to bring the torso down to- ward the bed. Let the whole torso move as one piece, resisting the temptation for head or shoulders to stoop forward. 

It may be necessary to recline against the headboard, and with palms on the bed behind the back, pushing gradually into greater and greater flexion of the torso on the hips. When one approaches the end of the range for such pushing, it’s time to bring the hands in front, to the undersides of the thighs, with straps.

On the other hand, if one can reach forward beyond the knees, then straighten them more, so that one can still usefully place the hands above the knees, or go to the intermediate pose. If this pose is suitable, descend (or if one is using the headboard, ascend) as much as one can without bending the knees further. Breathe calmly for 10-20 seconds. Gradually increase your forward bending, and gradually hold the pose up to 1 minute.

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