Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Seated Angle Pose for Men

1. Sit on a flat surface.
2. Spread your legs as far apart as possible. Keep the knees fully straight. Your weight should be on the ischial tuberosities or “sit-bones.”
3. Hold the great toes between the thumbs and the next two fingers of each hand, straighten the spine maximally, open the chest with a full breath and pull in the abdomen.  

4. Exhale and bring the entire torso, from below the navel to the sternum, down to the surface, keeping the spine as straight as possible. The head and shoulders come down only insofar as the hips and torso descend. 

5. Eventually the chin should join the torso on the flat surface. Now your weight should be evenly balanced on the thick muscles of the back of the thighs, and the abdomen and chest. The head’s 13-16 pounds are supported by the chin.  

6. Remain in the pose for 10-20 seconds, slowly increasing the time to 1 minute.

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