Saturday, January 10, 2015

Down Dog

Spread your fingers wide, like you are digging into wet sand, lift your hips, tuck your toes and lift back into down dog. 

Reach your heels down toward the ground, relax your shoulders and neck. 

Keep some easy movements happening in the pose to encourage the body to open and prevent it from getting stuck in a static position. 

Gently sway from side to side. Stay in down dog for five long, deep breaths.

When you are ready, slowly walk your feet up to your hands and return to your standing forward bend. 

Roll up to standing, one vertebra at a time. Once you reach the top, inhale and lift your arms out and up, filling up all the space with all of you. As you exhale gently release your arms down by your sides. 

Repeat this simple sun salutation variation five times or more to create some heat in the body and ease of mind.

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