Saturday, January 10, 2015

Squat with Neck Release

Stand up tall. Scoot your feet open until they are about shoulder distance apart.

Turn your feet slightly outward and your heels in.

Bend your knees and lower your hips toward the ground. Your heels should be firmly on the ground. If your heels don’t meet the ground easily, you can place a blanket under them to bring the floor to you and create more stability in the pose.

Stay here for five long, deep breaths.

Interlace your hands gently at the base of your neck.

Relax your head and neck forward and allow your back to round. Don’t pull your head down, but hold firmly and steadily at the neck to encourage your neck to release.

Stay here for five long, deep breaths.

To come out of the pose, place your fingertips on the ground behind your tailbone, and sit down easily.

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