Saturday, January 17, 2015

Preliminary Nasikagra Drishti (preliminary nosetip gazing)

  • Sit with the legs straight in front or in a cross-legged pose.
  • Hold the left arm straight directly in front of the nose.
  • Make a fist with the left hand, keeping the thumb pointing upward.
  • Focus both eyes on the tip of the thumb.
  • Bend the arm and slowly bring the thumb to the nose tip, keeping the eyes focused on the tip of the thumb.
  • Remain for a few seconds with the thumb held at the nose tip and the eyes focused there.
  • Slowly straighten the arm, continuing to gaze at the thumb tip.
  • This is one round.
  • Practice 10 rounds.
  • Keep the head and spine straight throughout.
  • Finally, close and rest the eyes.
  • Palming may be performed several times.

Breathing:  Inhale as the thumb is drawn towards the nose.
Exhale as the arm is straightened.

Benefits:  This exercise improves the accommodating and focusing power of the eye muscles.

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