Saturday, January 17, 2015

Matsya Kridasana (flapping fish pose)

  • Lie on the stomach with the fingers interlocked under the head. Bend the left leg sideways and bring the left knee close to the ribs.
  • The right leg should remain straight.
  • Swivel the arms to the left and rest the left elbow near the left knee.
  • Rest the right side of the head on the crook of the right arm, or a little further down the arm for more comfort.
  • Relax in the final pose and, after some time, change sides.
  • This position resembles a flapping fish.
  • After some time, again become aware of the body and surroundings, and gently and smoothly release the posture.

Breathing:  Normal and relaxed in the static pose.
Duration:  Practise this asana for as long as comfortable on both sides. It may also be used for sleeping and resting.
Awareness:  Physical -on relaxing the whole body, and on the breath. Spiritual - on manipura chakra.

Benefits:  This asana stimulates digestive peristalsis. It relieves sciatic pain by relaxing the nerves in the legs. People for whom the practice of forward bending asanas is not recommended may practice matsya kridasana as a counterpose after backward bending asanas. It relaxes tension in the perineum. In the later months of pregnancy, lying on the back may cause pressure over major veins and block the circulation. In such circumstances, this posture is ideal for relaxing, sleeping or practising yoga nidra. The bent knee and the head may be supported on a pillow for further comfort.

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