Saturday, January 17, 2015

Makarasana (crocodile pose)

  • Lie flat on the stomach.
  • Raise the head and shoulders and rest the chin in the palms of the hands with the elbows on the floor.
  • Keep the elbows together for a more pronounced arch to the spine. Separate the elbows slightly to relieve excess pressure on the neck.
  • In makarasana the effect is felt at two points: the neck and the lower back. If the elbows are too far in front, tension will be felt in the neck; if they are drawn too close to the chest, tension will be felt more in the lower back. Adjust the position of the elbows so that these two points are equally balanced. The ideal position is when the whole spine is equally relaxed.
  • Relax the whole body and close the eyes. After some time, again become aware of the body and surroundings, and gently and smoothly release the posture.

Breathing:  Natural and rhythmic, or practise inhaling, moving the awareness up along the spine from the tail bone to the neck and exhaling, bringing the awareness back down from the neck to the tail bone. Feel the breath moving up and down the spine. This will quickly activate the healing energies in this area.
For lower back pain due to tension, concentrate on this area and feel it expanding and relaxing with every inhalation and exhalation.

Duration:  For as long as is comfortable.

Awareness:  Physical - with concentration on the lower back, and relaxing the whole body, and on the breathing process. Spiritual - on manipura chakra.

Contra-indications:  Those with back conditions, such as exaggerated lumbar curve, should not practise this asana if any pain is experienced.

Benefits:  This asana is very effective for people suffering from slipped disc, sciatica, and certain types of lower back pain.

They should remain in this asana for extended periods of time as it encourages the vertebral column to resume its normal shape and releases compression of the spinal nerves. Asthmatics and people who have any other lung ailments should practise this simple asana regularly with breath awareness as it allows more air to enter the lungs.

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