Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Entry-Level Jathara Parivartanasana

1. Lying in Savasana, abduct the arms 90 degrees, palms upward.
2. With toes pointed, knees bent and ankles in contact, raise both legs together to vertical. Take a calm breath.

3. Tilt your pelvis somewhat to the left.
4. Lower both legs to the right as you exhale. The legs should be in contact both with each other and the floor, with cushions that have been properly placed, in a position as close to parallel to the right arm as possible.

5. Press downward with the right hand to press the left shoulder down in contact with the floor, or as close to it as possible. Keep as much of the thoracic and lumbar spine as possible in contact with the floor.
6. Breathe calmly for 10-20 seconds.
7. Then, pressing with the right hand and forearm, raise the bent legs back to vertical.
8. Take a breath.
9. After tilting the hips somewhat to the right, exhale as you lower the legs to the left, keeping floor contact for the right shoulder and thoracic and lumbar spine with left hand pressure.
10. After the legs are on the floor (or cushions) and parallel to the left hand, breathe calmly and symmetrically for 10-20 seconds.
11. Then raise the bent legs to vertical again, and slowly lower them. When the soles are resting on the floor, slide the legs back until your knees are straight.
12. Return the arms to the sides.

13. Breathe calmly in Savasana for 20-30 seconds.

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