Thursday, January 8, 2015

Easy to act bridge pose

Strengthens your back, hips, and buttocks. Also strengthens your entire core around your pelvis, giving greater stability to the lumbar region and lower back, which are often weak areas in the back.
  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart directly below your knees. Your lower legs should be at 90-degree angles to your feet and knees. Your toes should point straight ahead, and your hips, knees, and toes should be in line. Push your lumber region down toward the floor so that your lower back is straight.
  2. Breathe in, and raise your pelvis, hips, and chest toward the ceiling. Roll your shoulders in slightly, and fold your hands on the floor below you. Press your arms down carefully so that you can lift your chest higher. Feel your big toes on the floor so that you have contact with the inside of your thighs, and in order to keep your knees from falling out to the side. Imagine your tailbone going forward between your knees so that you reduce the stress on your lumber region, and try to relax your buttocks. Hold the position for five deep breaths.
  3. Breathe out, come down, and rest for five breaths.
  4. Repeat the movement three times.
  5. Bend your knees toward your chest, squeeze your knees, and roll slowly from side to side in order to stretch your lumbar region.
  6. Come over on your side, and weigh down with your hand so that you rise up carefully to seated position. As you become more flexible and stronger in your back, you can try to rise up to the Wheel, which is described on the next page.

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