Thursday, January 15, 2015

Chair Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)

Five minutes or longer.

To set up for the pose, place a bolster or two blankets folded into long, thin rectangles in front of a metal office chair.

If you are using folded blankets, have the folded edge of the blankets face away from the chair. Place a folded yoga mat or blanket on the seat of the chair.

To come into the pose, sit sideways on the chair.

Hold on to the sides of the chair and swing your knees over the back.

Keeping your legs over the back of the chair, slowly lean back until your shoulders reach the folded blankets or a bolster on the floor and the back of your head touches the floor.

Then, thread your arms under the chair seat and hold on to the back legs of the chair.

When you feel ready, bring one leg at a time to a vertical position.

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