- Sit in vajrasana.
- Raise the right knee and place the right foot flat on the floor beside the inside of the left knee.
- Put the right elbow on the right knee and rest the chin on the palm of the right hand.
- Rest the left palm on the left knee.
- Close the eyes and relax.
- Keep the body completely motionless and the spine and head straight.
- Hold for some time, then release the pose and relax the knees.
- Repeat with the left foot placed beside the right knee.
Breathing: Slow, deep
breathing, feeling that the energy synchronized with the breath is flowing in
and out of bhrumadhya, the eyebrow centre.
Duration: Practise
for a minimum of two minutes. Repeat on the other side with the left elbow on
the left knee.
Awareness: Physical
-on keeping the head and spine straight, on the sense of balance, and on the
breath. Spiritual - on ajna chakra.
Benefits: This asana
balances the mind, increases the power of concentration, allows more awareness
of the unconscious realms and induces physical and mental relaxation quickly.
The thinking process beco1nes very clear and precise. It is useful for those
who think too 1nuch or who have disturbed or uncontrollable thoughts. It is
very good for the kidneys, liver, reproductive and abdominal organs.
Note: Veerasana is also
known as the thinker's or philosopher's pose.
Variation 1: This asana may also be practised by sitting
on the heel so that it stimulates mooladhara chakra.
Variation 2: Sit on the heels in vajrasana.
Place the right foot on top of the left thigh as in the half
lotus posture. The foot should come up on the thigh as near to the lower
abdomen as is comfortable, and the right knee should rest on the floor.
Relax the whole body.
Slowly rise onto the knees, using the hands and left leg as levers
and the right knee as a support.
The movement should be controlled without any jerking.
Place the palms together in front of the chest at the heart centre
in the prayer position.
Straighten the spine.
When balanced, raise the hands above the head, keeping the
palms together and the fingers pointing upward.
Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable.
Bring the hands back to the heart centre, feel the balance, then
gently and evenly lower the body down to the floor.
Repeat with the left foot on top of the right thigh. Practise
up to 3 times on each side.
Breathing: Inhale
while raising the body from the floor.
Breathe normally in the final position.
Exhale while lowering the body.
Awareness: Physical -
on maintaining balance and steadiness in the upright position.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra.
Variation 2 should not be performed by people with
weakness in the knees or inflammatory conditions such as arthritis,
osteoarthritis, etc.
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