Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Upward-Facing Dog

1. Lie in prone position with toes pointed and feet one foot apart.  

2. Elbows bent, palms on the floor at shoulder-level, with fingers pointing toward the head, inhale, raising up first the head, the throat, then the chest, abdomen, pelvis and legs, bringing the head and chest as far back as possible.

3. Only the palms and dorsal feet are on the floor, toes still pointed back. 

The legs are as straight as possible; the entire body including the buttocks and the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine arch backward as far as possible.  

4. Breathe deeply and slowly for 10-20 seconds.
5. Now return to prone position, hands feet and head as they were at the start of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana in step 1.
6. Take two breaths.
7. Pressing forward on the floor with both hands and straightening the elbows and wrists and forward raise the hips and chest ever farther from the floor.

8. Straighten the backs of the legs, toes still parallel, but now pointed in the same direction as the fingers, heels on the floor, knees and thoracic spine maximally extended, shoulders retracted, the top of the head toward or near the floor.
9. Breathe deeply, calmly, and slowly for 1 minute.

10. First lift the head, then carefully lower your head and chest and abdomen to return to the prone position on the floor.

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