Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tiryaka Tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)

  • Stand with the feet more than shoulder width apart.
  • Fix the gaze on a point directly in front.
  • Interlock the fingers and turn the palms outward.
  • Raise the arms over the head, stretching upwards.
  • Bend to the right side from the waist.
  • Do not bend forward or backward or twist the trunk.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly come back to the upright position.
  • Repeat on the left side. This completes one round.
  • Practise 10 rounds.
  • To end the practice, return to the upright position, release the hands, bringing the arms down to the sides.

Breathing: Inhale raising the arms, exhale while bending to the side, inhale to center. Exhale while releasing the posture.

Awareness: Physical - on keeping the balance and the stretch along the side of the body. On keeping the body and head facing forward while bending to the sides without twisting.
On the breath synchronized with the movement. Spiritual -on mooladhara or manipura chakra.

Benefits: As for tadasana, but it especially massages, loosens and exercises the sides of the waist. It balances the right and left groups of postural muscles.

Variation: Balance on the toes in this practice.

Note: This is one of the asanas for shankhaprakshalana.

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