Monday, January 19, 2015

Shashankasana (pose of the moon or hare pose)

  • Sit in vajrasana, placing the palms on the thighs just above the knees.
  • Close the eyes and relax, keeping the spine and head straight.
  • While inhaling, raise the arms above the head, keeping them straight and shoulder width apart.
  • Exhale while bending the trunk forward from the hips, keeping the arms and head straight and in line with the trunk.
  • At the end of the movement, the hands and forehead should rest on the floor in front of the knees.
  • If possible, the arms and forehead should touch the floor at the same time.
  • Bend the arms slightly so that they are fully relaxed and let the elbows rest on the floor.
  • Retain the breath for up to  5  seconds in the final position.
  • Then simultaneously inhale and slowly raise the arms and trunk to the vertical position. Keep the arms and head in line with the trunk.
  • Breathe out while lowering the hands to the knees.
  • This is one round.
  • Practise 3  to 5 rounds.
Duration:  Beginners should slowly increase the length of time in the final position until they are able to hold it comfortably for at least  3  minutes with normal breathing. Those who wish to calm anger and frayed nerves should further increase the time to  10  minutes, breathing normally.

Awareness:  Physical - in the final position, on the pressure of the abdomen against the thighs; on the alignment of arms, neck and head moving into and out of the asana; on the breath synchronized with the physical movement.
Spiritual - on manipura or swadhisthana chakra in the final position.

Contra-indications:  Not to be performed by people with very high blood pressure, slipped disc or those who suffer from vertigo.

Benefits:  This asana stretches and strengthens the back mus­cles and separates the individual vertebrae from each other, releasing pressure on the discs. Often nerve connections emanating from the spinal cord are squeezed by these discs, giving rise to various forms of backache.
This posture helps to relieve this problem in some cases and encourages the discs to resume their correct position.
It also regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. It tones the pelvic muscles and the sciatic nerves and is beneficial for both the male and female reproductive organs. Regular practice relieves constipation.

Note:  The Sanskrit word  shashank  means 'moon'. It is derived from two words:  shash  meaning 'hare' and  ank  meaning 'lap'. People in India have seen the dark patches on the full moon  as  re­sembling the shape of a hare with the moon in its lap. Furthermore, the moon symbolizes peace and calm; it emits soothing and tranquillizing vibrations. Shashankasana has a similar calming and cooling effect. More simply, it is the position frequently adopted by hares and rabbits.

Variation 1  :  Sit in vajrasana and close the eyes.
Hold the right wrist with the left hand behind the back.
Relax the whole body and close the eyes.
Inhale and then, while exhaling, slowly bend the trunk forward from the hips so that the forehead rests on the floor. Remain in the final position for a comfortable length of time while breathing normally or deeply or in ujjayi.
Return to the starting position while inhaling.
Benefits:  Gives the benefits of shashankasana. This variation is more advisable for people with back problems.

Variation  2:  Sit in vajrasana.
Place the fists in front of the lower abdomen.
Inhale and then, while exhaling, slowly bend forward until the forehead touches the floor.
The fists will exert pressure on the lower abdominal organs.
Retain the breath in the final position for as long as is comfortable.
Inhale while raising the trunk and head.
Practise  2  to  3  rounds.
Awareness:  Physical - on the pressure of the fists in the abdo­men in the final position.
Benefits:  This variation massages and improves the efficiency of the intestines and digestive organs, relieving ailments such as constipation and excessive wind in addition to the benefits derived from the basic form of the practice.

Variation  3:  Sit in vajrasana.
Interlock the fingers of both hands behind the back.
Inhale deeply. Then exhaling, move the head and trunk forward and rest the head on the floor.
Simultaneously, raise the arms up and bring them as far forward as possible.
Inhaling, raising the head and trunk and lowering the arms.
This is one round. Practise  2  to  3  rounds.
Benefits:  This variation releases tension in the upper back and neck muscles, bringing great relief to those who experience stiffness in this area. It also gives the benefits of the basic practice.

Variation  4:  If the forehead does not comfortably reach the floor, make two fists and place one vertically on top of the other. Rest the forehead on this support.
Benefits:  This variation gives basically the same benefits as shashankasana and can be practised by people who are overweight or who have slightly raised blood pressure.

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