Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reverse Downward-Facing Dog

1. Carefully return to the relaxed prone position.
2. Flex the left arm, palm down, and press the floor, rolling longitudinally into the supine position.

3. Now raise the arms overhead, so that both are parallel, palms upward, and stretch maximally from the waist to the fingertips.

4. Breathe in a controlled, even manner for 1 minute.
5. Now flex both knees, feet still on the floor, and lift one and then the other, or both of them, as possible, straightening the leg(s) and bringing the toes down (stretching the Achilles tendons) in parallel at maximal elevation of the heels.

6. Breathe quietly for 10-20 seconds.
7. Then flex the knees, return the feet, then the backs of the legs to the floor, relax the shoulders and remain supine for another minute resting.

8. Finally bend the left knee, pressing the foot on the floor to roll longitudinally to the right, back to prone position.

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