Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Modified Shoulderstand

This pose gradually teaches the body to be upside down, and helps create strength and flexibility in the spine. 

Before doing the pose, be sure to remove any jewelry or clothing from around your neck. 

To set up for the pose, place a chair so that its back is against a wall. 

To come into the pose, lie on your back in front of the chair with your buttocks as close to the chair as comfortable and place your calves on the seat of the chair. 

Rest there with your arms alongside your body for at least a minute. 

Then, when you are ready, turn your palms down as close to the body as is comfortable and bring your feet to the front edge of the chair. 

Push off with your feet as you press down on your palms and lift your buttocks off the floor. 

Place the palms of your hands on your buttocks for support.

Never strain, and be sure your breath stays smooth and regular.

Begin by holding the pose for ten seconds, eventually working toward thirty seconds.

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