Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Intermediate Ustrasana

1. Slip your legs between the back and seat of a card chair. Be careful not to tip the chair, a common occurrence. If things are unstable or appear to be, place the chair next to a wall and/or use a helper. 

2. Slide the buttocks forward enough so that when you lie back, only the top halves of the shoulder blades extend off the edge of the seat of the chair. 

3. Place the feet flat on the floor, toes facing forward, legs parallel and in line with the hips. Hold the chair back when descending. 

4. Gradually let your head and neck and upper shoulder region descend further and further, puffing out the chest and bending the upper thoracic spine around the front edge of the chair. 

5. After comfortably remaining in the position at least 10 seconds, and possibly for 20-30 seconds, raise your arms over your head, palms upward, allowing the weight of your arms to further open the chest.

6. Remain breathing normally for 20-30 seconds.

7. Grasp the seat or side or back of the chair to return to upright on exiting the pose. Be careful of tipping the chair on entering and leaving.

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