1. Stand facing a wall with feet 4-5 feet apart, the right
foot parallel to the wall and 5-6 inches away from it. Appropriately place a
block, if needed.
2. Turn the left foot inward 30 degrees. Raise the arms to
3. Breathe calmly for 20-30 seconds, then descend, retaining
an entirely straight left leg while the right knee bends to 90 degrees. Keep
the little toe side of the left foot on the floor.
4. Take a quiet breath.
5. With exhalation revolve the trunk to the right, bringing
the left shoulder over the outside of the right knee, sliding the left arm between
the head and the knee.
6. Then bring the left hand down, fingers pointing backward,
onto the floor, left fore- arm close to parallel to the right shin.
7. The right arm extends collinear with the right leg, in
the same plane as the right torso.
8. Use the left arm as a lever, the outer right knee as a
fulcrum to move the chest, not the shoulder, to the right of the right leg.
9. Breathe calmly and without force for 10-20 seconds.
10. Then release the left arm, return the torso to vertical,
and repeat the pose with left leg bent to 90 degrees and right knee straight.
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