Saturday, January 10, 2015

Headstand Prep

Headstands are great fun and they’re great for you. They calm the brain, relieve stress, stimulate the pituitary and pineal glands, and strengthen the lungs, and are therapeutic for asthma and sinusitis. How to get ready for one?

Interlace your fingers loosely and place the sides of your hands on the floor.

Place the top of your head in the space formed by your cupped hands.

Stay here for a few breaths to get comfortable. If this is not comfortable, back out of it and go back to child’s pose.

Tuck your toes, straighten your legs, and lift your hips toward the sky. In this position you are getting a lot of the benefits of a headstand without your feet ever leaving the ground.

Stay here for ten long, deep breaths and when you are ready, gently lower your knees to the ground and relax into child’s pose.

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