Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Crocodile breathing

Lie on your belly with your legs a comfortable distance apart. Turn your toes either in or out, whichever is more comfortable. Fold your arms, placing each hand on the opposite elbow, and rest your forehead on your forearms 

Step 1: Bring your awareness to your breath as it flows out and in. As your breath flows out, feel how your breath empties, how the exhalation cleanses and releases tension. As your breath flows in, feel how your breath fills you, how the inhalation nourishes you and restores fresh energy. Continue watching the flow of your breath, feeling it empty and then fill you again.
Step 2: While you’re feeling the flow of your breath, gently soften your navel region, allowing your abdomen to relax.
Step 3: Notice that as you inhale, your abdomen gently expands, and as you exhale, your abdomen slowly contracts.
Step 4: When you come to the end of your inhalation, simply relax and exhale. In the same way, when you come to the end of your exhalation, simply relax and inhale. Let each breath flow slowly and smoothly into the next, without a conscious pause.

Step 5: Observe the smooth and unbroken flow of your breathing. Like a wheel turning over and over, the breath flows out and in, and you are the witness of your own breath.

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