Saturday, January 10, 2015

Bellows Breathing

Begin with seated mediation. After a few minutes of meditation you’ll be ready to begin bellows breathing, which increases oxygen and decreases carbon dioxide in the blood, cleanses the body’s systems, and clears the mind.

Make sure you remain in a comfortable seated position. This technique can be pretty intense so you want to make sure you’re not standing.

You’ll take short and fast exhales through the nose. Your inhales will follow the exhales naturally, but don’t force the inhales. Start slow and work to building the breathing to a quicker rate.

Take a long, deep inhale.

Exhale sharply through the nose, let the inhale follow naturally and repeat at a medium pace for a few seconds. If you feel comfortable, start to pick up the pace until you are exhaling pretty rapidly.

Try to continue for thirty seconds to a minute. When you are ready to finish, slow down your exhales gradually until you can resume normal, deep breathing.

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