Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ardha Ushtrasana (half camel pose)

  • Sit in vajrasana. Move the knees apart and the ankles to the side of the buttocks.
  • Stand up on the knees with the arms at the sides.
  • Keep the feet flat behind the body.
  • Stretch the arms sideways and raise them to shoulder level.
  • Do not strain in any way.
  • Twist to the right, reach back with the right hand and hold the left heel or ankle.
  • Simultaneously, stretch the left arm in front of the head so that the hand is at eyebrow level.
  • The head should be slightly back with the eyes gazing at the raised hand.
  • Push the hips forward in the final position and keep the thighs vertical.
  • Hold this position while comfortable, retaining the gaze on the left hand.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on the other side to complete one round.
  • Practise 3 to 5 rounds.
Breathing:  Inhale while stretching the arms sideways.
Exhale while twisting to the side.
Hold the breath out or breathe normally in the final position.
Inhale while bringing the arms back to shoulder level.
Exhale while releasing the arms.
Awareness:  Physical - on the stretch in the back and neck, or on the normal breath if holding the posture.
Spiritual - on anahata or vishuddhi chakra.
Contra-indications:  People with severe back ailments should not practise this asana.
Benefits:  As given for ushtrasana, but at a reduced level.
Variation 1:  A simpler variation is to place the right hand on the right heel and the left hand on the left heel. This posture also becomes easier if the heels are raised by balancing on the balls of the feet.
Variation 2:  After twisting, the outstretched arm may be raised above the head to a vertical position. The head should be held back with the eyes gazing at the raised hand.

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