Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ananda Madirasana (intoxicating bliss pose)

  • Sit in vajrasana.
  • Place the palms on top of the heels so that the fingers are pointing towards each other. If this is uncomfortable, place the palms just above the heels.
  • Keep the head and spine erect, close the eyes and relax the whole body.
  • Fix the attention at bhrumadhya, the eyebrow center.
Breathing:  Slow and deep. Imagine that the breath is moving in and out of the eyebrow centre. Inhale from the eyebrow centre to ajna chakra and exhale from ajna to the eyebrow centre.

Duration:  For extended periods of time if performed for spiritual aims.
A few minutes daily is sufficient to loosen up the legs.
If any strain is experienced, stop the asana.

Awareness:  Physical - in the early stages of the practice, aware­ness should be on the physical sensation, then on the breathing process. When sufficient relaxation has been achieved, awareness may be transferred to the eyebrow centre. Spiritual - on ajna chakra.

Benefits:  This asana is used primarily to awaken ajna chakra. It also calms the mind, relaxes the nervous system and gives all the benefits of vajrasana.

Note: Ananda  madirasana  may  be peiformed as an alternative to classical meditation postures.

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